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Diagnosis of heart failure

This resource has been initiated and supported by Roche Diagnostics Limited, who have had the opportunity to review it for factual accuracy but have had no input into its content. The resource was developed by Practice Nurse.


Heart failure is the leading cause of hospitalisations in the over 65s and has a high prevalence in patients attending for regular review of long term illnesses such as diabetes, hypertension and chronic kidney disease (CKD). General practice nurses play a vital role in the management of patients with long term conditions, and are therefore in an ideal position to identify the early signs and symptoms of heart failure in patients that are most at risk of developing this condition.


On completion of this resource, you will have a better understanding of:

  • The need for prompt diagnosis of patients with suspected heart failure
  • Risk factors for heart failure, and signs and symptoms that should prompt further investigation
  • The role of NT-proBNP testing in investigating a potential diagnosis of heart failure
  • NICE recommendations for action on the results of NT-proBNP testing


Alliance for Heart Failure. Diagnosing and monitoring heart failure. Practice Nurse 2022;52(6):22-23

hFRenDs (specialist nurses in heart failure, renal disease and diabetes): A deep dive into heart failure. Practice Nurse 2022;52(7): online only

Bostock B. Heart failure: grasping the reins. Practice Nurse 2021;51(9):16-20

25in25 initiative aims to reduce heart failure deaths. Practice Nurse 2023;53(01): online only.

This resource is provided at an intermediate level. Read the article and answer the self-assessment questions, and reflect on what you have learned.

Complete the resource to obtain a certificate to include in your revalidation portfolio. You should record the time spent on this resource in your CPD log.

Job code: MC-IE-02357 

Date of preparation: September 2023

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