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Cardiovascular disease - Risk modification

Cardiovascular disease risk modification
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains the leading cause of mortality in the UK accounting for around 200,000 deaths each year, and although mortality is decreasing, morbidity appears to be fairly ...

Cardiovascular Disease – Risk assessment

Cardiovascular Disease – Risk assessment
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is an umbrella term given to the range of conditions caused through atheroma formation within the blood vessels. It includes coronary heart disease, renal disease, ...

Cardiovascular Disease – Secondary prevention

Cardiovascular Disease – Secondary prevention
People with confirmed cardiovascular disease (CVD) will often have many existing risk factors that put them at risk of further cardiovascular events, including myocardial infarction (MI) and ...

Assessment of chest pain in primary care: part 1

Assessment of chest pain in primary care: part 1
Chest pain is a commonly presenting complaint in general practice, and conditions causing chest pain or discomfort – such as acute coronary syndrome or angina – have a potentially ...

Assessment of chest pain in primary care: part 2

Assessment of chest pain in primary care: part 2
Chest pain is a commonly presenting complaint in general practice, and conditions causing chest pain or discomfort – such as acute coronary syndrome or angina – have a potentially ...

Cardiovascular disease – Management of CVD conditions Part 1

Cardiovascular disease – Management of CVD conditions Part 1
The good news is that mortality from cardiovascular disease is declining, which is thought to be the result of improved interventions, improved drug therapies, and primary and ...

Management of CVD conditions Part 2

Management of CVD conditions Part 2
Cardiovascular morbidity is increasing as more people are surviving cardiovascular events and go on to live with long-term cardiovascular conditions. Appropriate management through pharmacology, lifestyle ...

Current guidelines and treatment

CVD – Current guidelines and treatment
Cardiovascular disease remains the biggest cause of premature death in the UK with 180,000 deaths from CVD, of which 80,000 are from coronary heart disease (CHD) and 49,000 from cerebrovascular ...

Cardiovascular disease – Patient education

Cardiovascular disease – Patient education
Patient education for cardiovascular health should aim to increase knowledge and understanding as well as increasing confidence to bring about behaviour change. Health professionals can have a ...

Cardiovascular disease – Primary prevention

Cardiovascular disease – Primary prevention
The findings from the Framingham1 study in 1961 identified the common risk factors for cardiovascular (CVD) disease, and over the last 50 years there has been a decline in CVD mortality. ...


Content developed by Clarity Informatics INTRODUCTION
Almost a third of men and over a quarter of women in the UK have high blood ...

Diagnosis of heart failure

This resource has been initiated and supported by Roche Diagnostics Limited, who have had the opportunity to review it for factual accuracy but have had no input into its content. The resource was developed by Practice ...